Saturday, May 06, 2006

My Wake-Up Call

It has been some time now since my last blog entry. Of course there is an excellent reason why I haven't. My brother finally moved out of the house! He bought his own condo in the rich region of Glendale. Movin' On Up ! Which means for the first time in my life I have my own room. Sadly he took the laptop with him and I'm too broke to fix the PC in the room. I am currently at work typing this. (Looks over shoulder to make sure no boss walks in)

As many of you know , this year I'm shifting gears...probably into the granny... and doing endurance/marathon events. Lets just say I got my cherry popped at the first event. Going into my first official event this year , which was the Firestone Walker race. I didnt know what to expect, but pain was in my mind. I had been training pretttty well but nothing can prepare you for race day competition. I wanted to start off slow and work my way into it. Total opposite happened. 7:50 am we started, with the Beginner class regular xc at 8am right on our heals. Plus the weather was awesome ; foggy and not too chilly. The course was hard-packed and very narrow singletrack which gave me the biggest grin. With this equation I went out in a brisk pace for the first 2 laps. Then the Sport class started at the same time as my 3rd lap started. Again got caught in the rush of the singletrack, occassionally pulling over to let over-eager amateurs that had way too much steroids that morning to pass me. 4th lap started off great because Teri joined me as she warmed up for her race. Also I chugged a beer at the start/finish line which hit me really quickly. On the first climb apparently I started to sing "Only the Lonely" by Chris Isaac. I dont remember this happening until I saw nutsack ! Riding on the singletrack along a wire fence and a steep drop on the other side , a bull was charging towards me and another rider behind me. He was pissed! Funny how quickly we could get sober when our lives are in danger. With just one way to go we jumped down the side and went around. I wasnt that horny anyway. HAHA. Last 2 laps were a blur do to delirium. The fog burned off and the heat took its toll. Occassionally getting passed by friends and fellow racers. The finish line was bare and deserted by the time I came through. But the peeps were there to greet me with props. I dont want your props , I want your beer ! HAHA. Hey, I finished the bastard. What didnt kill me will make me stronger, what almost killed me will make me walk with my legs spread apart.

The Highlight of the race was getting to ride with everybody. By that I mean the 8 hours I was out there Teri , Christie, Meggan, Bert, Papo, Vegas Bob, and other peeps passed me on their races. It was great to cheer them on a remote part of the course. I basicly had the front row seat to the races. Damn , that seat gave me the biggest sore ass ! Also Ryan Trebon, him and his 7 foot long legs came blasting by. But the amazing thing is how nice he was about it. Letting me know nicely that he was going to pass me when I had the chance , he passed by with words of encouragements. This guy gets paid to ride his bike, his job is riding a bike, he gets paid for good results. He has more mutual respect for the common rider than those jackass' in the amateur classes being idiots when they cant get around another rider.If you cant be courtious and remember what your doing, then you better smoke some weed to chill out and enjoy the riding or find your own way around us slower riders. Elbow ! Sorry , just had to vent that out a bit.

Thank you for the peeps for support out there. I heard all of your cheers and its hundred times better than any energy drink. I mean it.

Shout outs:
Christie for her 4th place finish in the pro race. Looked so strong.
Bert for qualifying for the National Chamionships with a top 10 finish in semi-pro.
Teri for having fun out there and a smile all the way through.
Glynn, the crazy Magpie from the UK on his first downhill race. And Margarette!
The bull with the biggest nads I have ever seen.

Special Shout-Out :
Rhoda for her good luck phone call before the race. I needed it and I used it.
Also the husband, Jim, for the passed 3 years of telling me to eat and drink during rides.


JIMBO said...

( i hope i said that Armenian is rusty since the move)
Congrats Ara... your a stud
You still probably only used 1 water bottle the entire race...
(oh yeah and a beer)
My "Wake-up Call" was when you called me last night.. Woke me up!! damm it... Your right Ara

Christie said...

you rock Ara! and great job at Fontucky too! and thanks for YOUR SUPPORT!

Vegas said...
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Vegas said...

Way to kick ass, Chewy. I barely finished 2 laps. I think I need to consume more beer.

...Or run down the beach in slow motion more often.

Sharpie said...

I ate that bull today. I think in Mexico they would have named him "Carne Asada" or something like that. Great work Fuzz, oh, and Jim W. has more hair than better get some Rogain and reclaim your title!